The Bible refers to Jesus as the Bridegroom. He has a love relationship with those who believe in Him and are therefore called His Bride. With this in mind, I created two slightly different versions to represent two kinds of brides.
The first photograph uses a lowercase ‘b’ for bride and can be a lovely memento for a bride, especially when given to her by her bridegroom! It can also be given to celebrate an anniversary or birthday because she is still his bride!
The second photograph is for everyone who believes in Jesus. I used an uppercase ‘B’ for Bride, to refer to the Bride of Christ. I also capitalized ‘My’ to clarify that the Bridegroom is speaking to His Bride. I created this version with the desire that it would be a personal invitation to spend time in God’s abiding presence. Think of Him speaking this verse directly to you and allow it to continually remind you of His constant love. It can be a great addition to any worship setting at home or church.
© Lisa Willis Photography